Ciencia basada en la significación estadística

[…] Sure, the chocolate eaters may lose some weight. But is it because of the chocolate? Maybe. Or maybe they felt extra guilty eating candy every day, and they knew they were going to be weighed by strangers wearing lab coats (weird!), so they skip on other meals. […] 800 scientists say it’s time to abandon «statistical significance» P-values and «statistical significance» are widely misunderstood. Here’s what…

Correlación y Causalidad

[…] One of the main reasons to be sceptical about the existence of causal relations (i.e., an essential asymmetry between the cause and the effect) is, of course, the well known fact that most physical theories are time-invariant. This is a concept many people have lots of problems to grasp, though it is really very simple. […] Searching for the lost causes | Humanities & Social Sciences | Mapping Ignorance Correlation doesn’t imply causation, but it does waggle its eyebrows suggestively and gesture furtively while…